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Your Path to Financial Wellness: Pathway to Success

We have arrived at the final instalment of my Path to Financial Wellness series. The Pathway to Success chapter in my book is all about creating a roadmap to help you reach your financial goals.

It’s one of the most important chapters in the book. There’s no point having all the information if there are no practical steps to making the best of it; I’ve amalgamated all the useful advice from those who were kind enough to be interviewed by me, as well as adding my own research and insights gained from writing this and previous books.

There are several points in the chapter to create your roadmap from; to give you a sense of what’s included, I’ve featured three key ones below.

Allow positive habits to become second nature

I believe being successful at whatever you choose to do in life can be made a bit smoother by ensuring that you create good habits from the outset. These habits may have a positive effect on your personal and work life if followed consistently.

For example, if you start to take 15 minutes at the start or end of each day to meditate or do some self-reflection, this may not only have direct benefits, but there could also be indirect positive outcomes, such as improved time management or more effective prioritisation due to consistently showing up to build this habit. Start small and build up to any large changes in your daily life.

Adjust to any prevailing winds

We all know that times change. Industries change. Markets change. We, ourselves, also change.

When creating a wealth strategy, it’s imperative that we understand the need to be flexible in our approach. In my book I use property as an example.

If you’re planning to invest in the property market you need to understand what the trends in buyer behaviour are, where interest rates are going and many other factors. You could require the advice of mortgage brokers, financial advisers and others who have perhaps built their wealth in a similar way. After that, if it looks like the information you’re receiving is different to that which you’ve planned for, it may be wise to adjust your plans and change direction. Realising that it’s ok to do this can sometimes be half the battle but being able to be flexible may come with far greater benefits than resisting change.

Be useful

Those who wish to pursue an entrepreneurial dream should remember a very important quality to any business is to be useful. Be of value and offer something that people really need. Those businesses are always the most successful. Goods that early adopters (who I talk about in the previous chapter of the book, Future Trends) and subsequently the mass market cannot live without obviously have enduring success.

This doesn’t mean you necessarily need to come up with the next smartphone. Simple everyday products and services can bring enormous success; my advice would be to do your due diligence, conduct market research, watch for emerging trends, consider your attitude to risk, and always seek sound financial and legal advice if required.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my Path to Financial Wellness series. Wishing you all the success on your journey to abundance.

To discover more tips and insights, you can purchase my book here. All profits will be donated to The Pied Piper Appeal.



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